Recent Podcasts

Chinese Economy: About Sticks and Carrots

In this episode we take a deep dive into the contradictions of the Chinese economy – and what made it so successful in the first place. Is the Chinese miracle – or rather as our distinguished guest Xu Chenggang likes to call it – the Chinese riddle going to...


What Made the West See China with Different Eyes?

For many years, the West had great hopes on China. That market economy would eventually lead to democracy or at least a liberalization. But even as these hopes did not materialize, a West in nearly constant crisis was grateful for a Chinese government that other than the Russian one...


Are we entering a New Cold War?

Recently there has been talk about “a New Cold War”. Is this exaggerated – or are we already in it? In this episode we discuss with Chinese expert Da Wei about some contentious issues. Is the worsening of relations between China and the West inevitable? Is the US a...


Recent Articles

China bekommt Logistik-Daten

by Qin Liwen published on 24th November 2022 in Fuchsbriefe Mit der Hafenbeteiligung in Hamburg wird China Zugang zu kritischen Daten Europas erhalten. Obwohl China keinen direkten Zugriff auf die IT-Infrastruktur bekommt, wird es viele Daten sammeln können. Immerhin 90% der Importe nach Europa kommen auf dem Seeweg. Hamburg ist der drittgrößte...

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A Paradise for Scammers

Two Chinese are trying to establish a state within a state in the Marshall Islands. Now they are on trial in New York. Were the two acting on their own authority – or on behalf of the Chinese government? by Angela Köckritz published on 18th November 2022 in Die...

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Paradies für Betrüger

Zwei Chinesen versuchen auf den Marshallinseln einen Staat im Staat zu errichten. Nun stehen sie in New York vor Gericht. Handelten die beiden eigenverantwortlich – oder im Auftrag der chinesischen Regierung? – Von Angela Köckritz veröffentlicht in Die Zeit am 18. November 2022 Es ist ein grandioser Plan, mit...

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