Sea of Change 1

To sell or not to sell – Why does China want to acquire ports worldwide?

China’s port and shipping industry is expanding rapidly. Beijing now has investments in more than 100 harbors in 63 countries. And it wants to buy even more, extending its global dominance in shipping. But not every acquisition is easy. In the autumn of 2022, German chancellor Olaf Scholz decided to sell 24,9% of the shares…

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Mysterious Business People – A struggle for influence in the Blue Pacific

Two Chinese nationals show up in the Marshall Islands to implement a grandiose plan: A special economic zone on an atoll of the poor Pacific island nation. But soon the dream of the free trade zone turns into a political scandal – in its course the two almost succeed in overthrowing the elected president. Now…

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Paradies für Betrüger

Zwei Chinesen versuchen auf den Marshallinseln einen Staat im Staat zu errichten. Nun stehen sie in New York vor Gericht. Handelten die beiden eigenverantwortlich – oder im Auftrag der chinesischen Regierung? – Von Angela Köckritz veröffentlicht in Die Zeit am 18. November 2022 Es ist ein grandioser Plan, mit dem Cary Yan und Gina Zhou…

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